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Category Buttons


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Hi folks,

Is there any way to disable or make disappear the Category (>>>) buttons from the main player UI?  It's really annoying when I am half way through a long playlist and accidentally touch one of the buttons, which then switches the category and there's no way to resume the position of the previous playlist.  



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Those are a feature of Pro Buttons mode, disable them in Settings > Look and Feel > Skin. You can still swipe left or right on the album art to change tracks as you will also lose the << and >> buttons.

Some skins (e.g. $YAPS$) provide independent visibility controls for the Category ( <<< , >>> ) and Track ( << , >> ) buttons, so you could hide just the Category buttons.

By the way, you can indeed remember and resume positions in playlists. In any list for which you want this feature enabled, go to its List Options and tick both 'List Position' and 'Per Track Progress'. This is set independently for each Playlist in your library, and also works for individual Folders too.


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