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Source Selection


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I am a real beginner with Poweramp so please be gentle. I would like to know (in baby fashion) the quickest way to change between music sources i.e. USB drive A, USB drive B or SD card. I find this very complicated to do. If someone could point me in the right direction I would be more than grateful.


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You don't switch sources as such in Poweramp, it uses one central library database which contains all of the music that is accessible on your device. If you have multiple sources available at the same time (SD Card, internal folders, USB device, etc) then you need to go into Settings > Library > Music Folders and enable (i.e. tick) any locations that you wish Poweramp to scan for music. Whatever content the scanner then finds is indexed in its music database, and you can access it by various category views - by Folders, Artists, Albums, Genres, etc. Folders Hierarchy is the only category that still retains any visible separation between different source locations though.


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