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Recuperar compra

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You have bought a Huawei phone, which does not support Google services out of the box (Blame President Trump in the USA, it's not Huawei's fault). If you bought the Poweramp Unlocker - or indeed any other app - from the Google Play Store then you can only reinstall that purchase on devices that have the Google Play Store app enabled. Huawei have their own separate but similar App Gallery, but you'd need to purchase your apps again there. 

There were some workaround hacks to sideload Google Services and the Play Store onto these sort of devices, but I'm not sure whether those loopholes have been tied up. A Google search (or other search engine of your choosing) might help. 


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  • 1 year later...

para restaurar l cuenta a mi me pide el "id de compra" igualmente tengo el p40lite y solo que hace años de la compra que no tengo el dato del registro. mi anterior telefono aun conserva la aplicacion con la llave instalada pero aun asi no puedo disfrutar de la palicacion como antes

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@Roberto Ramos G  Obviously you can't do anything if you purchased Poweramp from the Google Play Store, as Huawei devices do not support that, but assuming you purchased from the website directly you should still be able to activate it. Please contact poweramp.maxmpz [at] gmail.com to be resent your activation information.


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  • 5 months later...

@William Alejandro Martinez Do you mean you have added a new email address to your existing Google account, or have you created a brand new account?

Any purchases you made on an old account would be tied to that account, and to re-install anything would require you to be able to use that account. Have you tried Googke's account/password recovery process?

Otherwise it would be like buying some Kindle books on your Amazon account and then expecting to be able to log in using a completely different account and access the same books.


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  • 3 months later...

@Jonathan Zarate If you are saying that you bought a Poweramp licence directly from this website a while ago, but you have since lost the licence details so can't install on a new device, please email poweramp.maxmpz [at] gmail.com (from the email address with which you made the purchase) and they will confirm it for you. It's nothing to do with Google though, other than if you use a Gmail address and you/they removed your old emails.


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