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Brainwave entrainment-Suggestion


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What optimal settings should I set for Poweramp so that the downloaded brainwave entrainment audio gives its optimal effect(no unrequired change in frequencies)?

I have set the output as OpenSL ES output , the output device is headset(headphones) which has good enough sound quality.

Device is Samsung A70s.

Samsung sound assistant settings :-

The UHQ Upscaler has been disabled (Set to Bit upscaling)

Dolby atmos has been disabled, Equalizer has been set to Normal

Poweramp v3 settings:-

Output plugin-OpenSL ES output

Only *DVC* has been disabled 

In the OpenSL ES Output settings:-

Buffer Size :- Preset normal(nothing has been changed)

Visualisator Delay:- No change

No DVC:-Switched on

No HeadRoom Gain:-Switched on

No Equ/Tone:-Switched off

No Duck:-Switched off

I will be posting the audio Info image.


Rest all the other things have been set to default (No Change)

P.S-Even though the audio is in .mp3 format, they are intended to produce results in this format only.

I have not been able to post the OpenSL ES output settings due to size restrictions , hence I have written the settings above.

Also kindly explain me ,does DVC affect the frequencies in the audio?

I only wish to get results of the audio in the native (pure) form , no unintended changes in the binaural beats.

Kindly answer ASAP






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I would start with everything set to default values (Settings > Audio > Output > Restore Defaults) and ensure that all EQ, Tone, Stereo Expend, Reverb, etc modes are turned off. That should give you a flat starting point. The Samsung A70 works fine with DVC turned on.


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Thank you andrew , I have set everything to default now. Eq, tone and other related stuff has been disabled .Can you please explain me the Resampler type I should set it, and also dither?

Resampler:-The Sox Resampler apparently gives very high quality but causes high power consumption(which I do not mind) ,it says slower, what actually is getting slower here?

Dither:- I have understood  none from the given few words in the app.

Can you please give a brief explanation of these above ? And do these above settings cause any change in frequencies?

Also a brief explanation to what does DVC do.


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DVC allows PA to talk more directly to the audio hardware without Android and/or manufacturer-added features getting in the way. If your system allows it, please leave this switched on.

Nothing causes any changes to frequencies and timings other than EQ controls etc, so if you want the purest sound leave them turned off. Also probably best to leave high-res modes turned off too (unless your audio files are higher than CD quality in the first place).

Is there some specific problem you are experiencing? Otherwise you are going to end up going down a rabbit-hole of technicalities for no real gain. Here are a few articles you may want to explore if you are interested though:



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