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(solved) artist/track not displaying properly on ford sync after android 9 update


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today my phone finally updated to android 9 and the first thing that broke was Poweramp.

i use my phone connected to my 2016 ford f150 to play music via bluetooth audio (not the android auto app, i hate it). on oreo this worked perfectly. the artist and track name would show up, i'd get a progress bar, everything was gravy.

the moment i got the pie update this all stopped working. now the artists and titles lag behind by a song, and the progress bar doesn't move. if i don't manually advance the song then it will just stay on the same one indefinitely. if i advance the track manually it updates, but lags behind by a song.  the audio works flawlessly, but it doesn't show what's playing as it used to.

any ideas? i rebooted the phone and unpaired/repaired the device with sync but to no avail.

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i enabled beta and updated to 858, but it didn't solve the problem.

however i did fix it. when android 9 installed it changed my AVRCP in bluetooth to 1.4. in developer settings i changed it back to 1.3 and now everything is working flawlessly again.

thanks very much for the replies!

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