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"Play Tracks Only" for Search Results not Working


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When I use the search function, I get a list of results. Say I get a list of 20 results. If I choose the 15th result, I would like the 16th result to play next.

However, the next song alphabetically from my entire library (instead of based on the subset of results from my search) is played. I have enabled the option "Play Tracks Only", and also tried disabling it. It doesn't seem to make a difference.

This functionality used to be fine in Poweramp V2. It is important to me because I would like to make a search and play that subset of songs when driving.

It is annoying when I make a search, choose, say, the 15th result, and the next alphabetical song of my whole library is played instead of the 16th result. A song of a completely different genre or speed might play and it ruins my mood. It's especially annoying when I'm driving and I can't do anything about it.

I'm not sure if this is a bug, or a removed feature. I've checked all the other settings and couldn't find anything relevant. I just hope this can be resolved; if it can, Poweramp would be perfect for me again.


I'm running Poweramp v3 build 853 arm64. Full version 64 bit.

LG V20 on Android 7.0

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If you select one single song (or one single album, etc) from the search results, then that is what is played. It will continue in normal playback mode after that item (the song, album etc) has played.

If you want to listen to more than one result from the same search list, long-press and select each items that you want to hear and add them to the Queue.


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Is there no way to enable playing songs from search results without enqueueing them?

I downloaded Poweramp 2.0.10 build 588 again and I found the option I was referring to.

On fresh install, I was given the option "Should Poweramp play filtered songs?". I re-installed the newest V3 version and that option is no longer present.

Is there any way to get this back in V3? The fact that this feature is disabled by default and is not toggleable is frustrating.

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'Play Filtered Songs' has been replaced by the newer and more flexible queued-based system.

The rough equivalent process using the new method would be to tap the 'All' tickbox (instead of selecting multiple individual songs) then all of the displayed search results would be played.


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