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Ignore punctuation in sorting


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I just loaded a box set onto my DAP.  Albums are named D1-Dx, in the format "Dx:....".   "D10:..." - "D19:...." all sort before "D1:...".  Can Poweramp be asked to ignore punctuation in sorting or do others deliberately use it?

I suppose I could rename them D01-Dxx.  That would be more painful with those who have already labeled all their box sets this way. 

Sorting ignores the punctuation in JRiver Media Centre and iTunes.

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I sometimes use symbols to force a particular filename sorting order, such as putting an underscore at the start of a filename to force that title to the top. I never understood why that works that way incidentally, as underscore is ASCII 95 so I would have expected it to have been sorted to the end of a sorted list, not the beginning. All sort systems seem to do the same though, so I use an underscore to force files to the start of a list, and tilde (~) to force to the end.

Otherwise, I try to ensure that within any one folder I keep the prefix disc/track numbering digits consistent within that album, to avoid the possibly of it ever being ambiguous.


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Actually, I just noticed that the problem you mention above might be lack of significant digits too. If you have some files named D1, D2, etc, and some D10, D20, or even D100, etc. then you really need to make sure the total number of digits used is always the same  for correct sorting - such as D001, D002, D010, D011, D020D100, D101, etc.


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