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List Options: Sort By date added


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I've recently updated my Samsung Galaxy Note 8 to Android Pie OS and when using Poweramp my "All Song" playlist is out of order!

My Poweramp version is v3-build-823-play (Full Version)

I'm trying to sort my list by "By date added" and even selected the "reverse" function to get the most recent audio in the order it was added but it's not!




Below is a screenshot on how it should look as this is how it appears on my audio file folders.  Somehow Poweramp appears to not sort it correctly as you can see on the dates.


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Poweramp does not sort by file time/date stamps unless you tell it to, it sorts by the date the song was first scanned and added into PA's library database (which in this case could have been all in one go if there was a full rescan). This functionality is configurable though, see Settings > Library > Lists > Sort By Filesystem Date/Time.


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Hi Andre, 

Thanks for the information!

I see the setting for "Sort By Filesystem DateT/ime" is already turned on and it still not sorting correctly! I've even did a Full Rescan and turned off the settings and Full Rescan again and still the same results. Any other suggestions? 

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Sorry, I can't really help further - other than to say that I just checked and am seeing similar issues on my phone. I selected "All Songs" mode and set the sorting order to By Date Added (I already use Filesystem sorting) and the first 27 songs in the list were correctly shown as the most recent 27 files that had been added to my music folders, but item 28 onward had reverted to alphabetical order starting, commencing with the first track in the normal All Songs "By Title" sort order and carrying on that way for the rest of the list.


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Poweramp's Date Added feature is meant to work in one of two ways:

1) The date when Poweramp first found the file during its media scanning process, and added it to its music library database. The initial scan when PA is first run will log everything that it finds on that same date of course, which makes sorting by Date Added somewhat pointless at that stage. As you add more files over time, each of which will be logged under a new unique date, the feature starts to become more useful.

2) If you have Settings > Library > Lists > Sort By Filesystem Date/Time enabled, PA will use the 'Last Modified' time/date property of the actual file on your device's storage. This is generally initially much more meaningful as it reflects when you put the file on your device (or when it was downloaded, last edited, etc). However this date will get modified to a recent setting even if you do something minor like update a tag in the file. I'm not sure with CUE files whether it set the time/date stamps of each contained song to the time/date stamp of the overall CUE file itself, or if it bases the song dates on the various source media files (FLAC/MP3/etc) that the CUE file might point to.


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