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Listen to Mic, while playing music


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It would be great if Poweramp supports listen to mic feature just like windows. We dont have to pull out our earphones if someone come to us and talk.

It will be helpful while commuting/or at home.

What do you guys think?


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7 minutes ago, tdas777 said:


It would be great if Poweramp supports listen to mic feature just like windows. We dont have to pull out our earphones if someone come to us and talk.

It will be helpful while commuting/or at home.

What do you guys think?


There was a request for a similar feature, to use Poweramp as a hearing aid :


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1 hour ago, tdas777 said:

Yes I saw that...

It should be more like a mix of mic input and music

You could try to install a hearing aid app, perhaps both can work simultaneously.

Perhaps you'll have to select or deselect the AudioTrack Output in Poweramp.

Has anybody ever tried something like this ?

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