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Itunes Music


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I have done a lot of looking up research what have you. Too put my itunes purchased music not movies music only on my PC and android phone from switching from iPhone. I got 80-90% of the music I believe but there are a select number of tracks albums and artists. That did not transfer to the player. However I have done multiple scans I do know however which 1s the select few are  but when I search for them in the player no where to be found but when I go to my files and search I find them but it is like a blank looking file it's like only when I took my entier itunes library and dead and dropped it too my desktop on my PC too strip the DRM it work for most but not all.  


  PS. Any Suggestions I Love Poweramp and the the new updates...... Brent.......

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If the files themselves and blank (zero bytes, or larger but won't read) then the problem is in the copying from your PC. If they are there but unreadable then DRM could indeed be the culprit, but it'd be hard to say without being able to see them. Do they look any different on your PC?


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