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About purchase on website


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Hi, I actually bought Poweramp by Google Play few years ago and it has been working great, until the latest version of Google Play can no longer run on my phone due to the limitations of my phone's configuration (e.g., capacity). It now failed to verify my purchased license.

Therefore, now I want to purchase Poweramp directly by the website and use it on my phone which is running Android 2.3.6. Before doing so, I have first downloaded the trial version 2.0 from the website and installed on my phone. But I found that in the "restore purchase" section, it says "Your website purchase is valid for your Google and Email (Android 3.0+) account ..." .

Does  it mean I cannot have Poweramp purchased and running on my Android 2.3.6 phone?

Sorry if I have posted my question in the wrong forum. I actually sent my question by the link "Contact Us" at the bottom of the forum site few days ago but did not receive reply. So I posted it here and hope someone would help, before Poweamp stop running on my phone again.

Thanks in advance.

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The problem with legacy versions of Android is that licencing can break with some of the more recent updates to the Play Store. Please try reverting your device's Google Play app to the original factory installed version (i.e. remove all updates) and then the licence should get validated OK. After a couple of days, you can re-update the Google Play app if you want to.


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Thanks for your reply.

I actually removed and stopped Google Play services running on my phone in order to save space and performance, because it kept downloading updates in the background and installing them without asking for my permission. I therefore not very sure about re-installing and restoring Play on my phone again.

In other words, does it mean that I have to rely on Google Play to verify Poweramp's license, even if this time I choose to purchase directly on the website (i.e. through PayPro)?


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3 hours ago, test180930 said:

In other words, does it mean that I have to rely on Google Play to verify Poweramp's license

You need to have Google Play installed for a Google Play licence, and at least gapps and email client installed for a website purchase. See http://support.powerampapp.com/knowledgebase/articles/323557-is-internet-connection-required and http://support.powerampapp.com/knowledgebase/articles/323889-restore-purchase-from-website-build-550


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