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Folder heirarchy artwork missing


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Hi, Sorry but this new update stinks! Lots of the the simple long press options are missing and more frustrating is the fact that this update does not display my heirarchy folder art that I spent a long time amassing - I now have blank heirarchy folders. So I have given up and I'm going back to a  previous version and turning off updates. I have been a user and great fan of Poweramp for many years and although I have tried and tested your competitors - I always felt Poweramp had it spot-on regarding display, UI, features and sound and so rejected them all. Sadly this update puts you down to a their level - it may look nice, but looks aren't everything - give me my features and functionality back!

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Same here...

Also if you have an artist folder with a folder.jpg and a single MP3 and then vs a load of subfolders (albums) the main hierarchy list takes the artist folder image from the single MP3 and not folder.jpg 

In other words I guess folder.jpg never gets used anymore

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