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Verification Licence


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Yesterday I have bought the unlocked version with Google playt site.

I use on an android car player, so  there isn't internet connection. To verify the licence I had to bring a range extemnder in the garage and it is very noising.

The app have made twice the verification and continue asking to do it.

Waht could i do?


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As I doubt your car player will be on the latest Google Play Store app version (there is a Google bug in their very recent build 10.7.17, which is OK in older releases and has been patched in 19.7.19) then please could you refer to the FAQ at http://support.powerampapp.com/knowledgebase/articles/323557-is-internet-connection-required . There needs to be a live internet connection for up to 24-48 hours in order to validate the licence. If this is impossible in your specific case, please contact poweramp.maxmpz@gamil.com to discuss if there is anything else that can be done to help you.


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