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M3U playlist possibility?

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Poweramp plays m3u playlists normaly by creating them with some pc app.


#EXTINF:409, -  - 
Need for Speed III Soundtrack - Aquila 303.mp3
#EXTINF:354, -  - 
Need for Speed III Soundtrack - Cetus 808.mp3
#EXTINF:200, -  - 
Need for Speed III Soundtrack - Romulus 3.mp3 

i get this, it specificy every song for the playlist. But for PC i use simple but very useful playlists for myself by just using this:



It include ALL files and files in subfolders which is awesome for people like me. I'm adding new songs to folders all the time. So i never have to recreate playlists. Sadly if i copy this type of playlists into phone it doesnt work at all in Poweramp. So i wonder is there work around i could this to work? Would be awsome to keep relative path and just plays all files in folder and subfolders. Or atleast all files in folder. Ty for the time.

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57 minutes ago, Belamore said:

Basicly i don't have any other atlernative format to make it work in Poweramp?

No, playlists are not dynamic. See https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/M3U for the nearest thing to a specification that there is for the M3U format. The Library is dynamic though and will rescan folders when contents change.



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