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Genre are all blank in dropdown menu


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I recently got a different phone ( LG G6) and when I go to edit the Genre, the dropdown box is white, I can click on the list blindly but I cannot see what I am clicking on, I attached a screenshot. It also was happening in version 2, i tried the latest beta and still happens.


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I've also been having issues with the Genre menu not being visible. It's frustrating, because I don't always remember if I already created a genre, so might have songs from the same artist listed under similar but different genres. Sometimes, I like seeing a list of genres to help jog my memory, to better categorize the song, but all I see is a blank menu. It's as if the text color was made in white, so it appears invisible. 

I've had a Samsung Note 7, S7 Edge and currently the Note 8 (2.0.10-build-588-play, full version), and they've all had this issue. Is this an issue that plagues Android phones only, or are iPhones also having this problem?

Considering this is a paid app, I would have expected this to be resolved over a year ago. I look forward to an update soon. 


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Further to the Genre menu, I also noticed that the Poweramp player, as it appears in my phone's pull down notification menu, is in white text, as seen in the attached screen shot. The only clear text is the artist/band name and the album name. The song name and control buttons are nearly invisible, because it's white on white.


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The notification colour can be adjusted in Settings > Look and Feel > Status Bar/Notifications.

Poweramp v2 will not be getting any further updates for newer ROMs, it will become a legacy product for Android 4 and lower when v3 is released, hopefully very soon now (test versions are already downloadable).


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