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How well does the mono feature work?


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I asked for ideas on converting stereo to mono and this app is one of the replies I got.

I've read the advertising stuff, and didn't get a good feel for the mono feature. And searching for mono here on the forum didn't give much more info, but sometimes I don't get great search results. :(

I can only listen with one ear at work. I bought an earbud that says it converts stereo to mono, but it doesn't work on all songs. And that is the case whether I am listening to my phone with Google Play  or a standalone Mp3 player.

So I am looking for other options. Having songs play that are missing the bass line or vocals  or whatever really doesn't work for me.



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A mono feature will simply merge both channels into one. This works fine for proper stereo encoding, but if any content has been recorded with a phase inversion (the same way the old Dolby Surround encoding used to work, where the rear channels are recorded 180-degrees out of phase) then the inverted parts of the signal will cancel each other out. This will apply to either software or hardware solutions.


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You can test this out in an audio editor. Get a mono piece of music (or one channel of a stereo track) and mirror it so the exact same audio is on the left and right channels of a stereo mix. Then invert (180 degree phase shift) just the left channel. It will still play fine in stereo, and even sound a bit 'spacey', but as soon as you re-combine the two channels to mono playback they will cancel each other out as you'll be left with complete silence.


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