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Poweramp Standard Widget Pack full sources


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This is full PowerAMP Standard Widget Pack source. It includes poweramp_api_lib library available from samples_api package (viewtopic.php?f=7&t=1523&p=4772#p4770).

The audioplayer_widgetpack1 project (this builds widgetpack APK) depends on library project audioplayer_widgetpack_common, which actually contains all the code and resources for the widgets.

The audioplayer_widgetpack1 project is just a small shell project which wraps common widget code into the target APK, same code also is used by Poweramp player itsef.

IMPORTANT: please check license terms in LICENSE.txt file provided. Basically you can modify source, graphics and other resources, build own widgets based on this sources, but the resulting product should work with PowerAMP (i.e. it should be PowerAMP widget).

Also, here is an older and simpler widgetpack, which corresponds to Poweramp v1.x, but it also can work with newer Poweramp version and is somewhat easier to understand and modify.



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First of all, i really Poweramp. I bought it and it is the best player for me for sure.

I want to change the widgets a little bit. I don't like the blue themed buttons on the 4x1, 4x2 and 4x4+ widgets.

Can you explain to me how it is done??? I already downloaded "audioplayer_widgetpack1.zip" and opened res/drawable-hdpi and looked for the buttons. They were

all there. I can change them indeed with photoshop for instance, but how to make them into a installable apk or flashable zip?

Best regards,

Jeroen Bax

p.s.: keep up the good work!!!

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Do you have any experience with the Android SDK/Eclipse?

Building widgets require Android SDK as output is an application (APK).

Well, i have Android SDK installed. Never build my own APK though. But i really want to learn this shit, so maybe you want to assist me?

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This is full Poweramp Standard Widget Pack source. It includes poweramp_api_lib library available from samples_api package (viewtopic.php?f=7&t=1523&p=4772#p4770).

The audioplayer_widgetpack1 project (this builds widgetpack APK) depends on library project audioplayer_widgetpack_common, which actually contains all the code and resources for the widgets.

The audioplayer_widgetpack1 project is just a small shell project which wraps common widget code into the target APK, same code also is used by Poweramp player itsef.

IMPORTANT: please check license terms in LICENSE.txt file provided. Basically you can modify source, graphics and other resources, build own widgets based on this sources, but the resulting product should work with Poweramp (i.e. it should be Poweramp widget).

Also, here is an older and simpler widgetpack, which corresponds to Poweramp v1.x, but it also can work with newer Poweramp version and is somewhat easier to understand and modify.

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