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Poweramp Equalizer Knowledge Base

База знаний Poweramp Equalizer




Everything posted by PowerMilk

  1. Spectrum Kit 1.1.5 release https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.powermilk.spectrumkit&hl=ru
  2. Spectrum Kit 1.1.5 beta https://play.google.com/apps/testing/com.powermilk.spectrumkit <en-IN> - new save for Android 10+, works ONLY with Poweramp 888+ - progress bar for song - open any song - gifts every 60 minutes - minor fixes </en-IN> <ru-RU> - новое сохранение на Андроид 10+, работает только с Poweramp 888+ - прогресс бар для трека - возможность открыть любой трек - подарки каждые 60 минут - мелкие исправления </ru-RU>
  3. I'll think about it. So far, the costs are slowly paying off
  4. There is no visualization background as such, it is emptiness, so the easiest way to get white is by inverting all colors. For convenience, the color picker is also inverted.
  5. Spectrum can be reduced using sx sy. Smoothness with "bars smoth" bars sensitive" The rest requires the development of the libraries by @maxmp
  6. Updated. Try it, the save should work. Delete does not work yet. Waiting for Poweramp update
  7. The problem is on android 10+. We will update soon. Presets should be saved in the "/Android/data/_com.maxmpz.audioplayer/milk_presets" folder. On 10+ android Data folder is closed.
  8. Hi all! SPECTRUM KIT was release! 💣 Available for free here: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.powermilk.spectrumkit Now you can customize any visualization to your liking and save it to the open Poweramp folder
  9. This is just a prepared texture "BLUR.jpg" built into the shader: warp_1 = `sampler sampler_BLUR; warp_2 = `shader_body { warp_3 = `ret = tex2D (sampler_BLUR, uv); warp_4 = `}
  10. This is a question rather to @maxmp, because libraries need to be edit. It is possible to apply a texture with a shader. One question is whether to do it in some way dynamically, or to include this feature in each visualization. I am rather for the second option.
  11. I don't know how to overlay a white background without affecting the entire image. But! It is possible to invert all colors "bInvert=1" then re-invert the colors spectrum if necessary. Do it simply using the website https://encycolorpedia.com/
  12. Hi guys! Waiting for a cool visualizations by Hakan Like it! Support the author!😉 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n_8Oxmg-hss
  13. Use only _t _b or _l _r, together they do not work bars_thr = 0.5 - position where threshold color starts For example: "PowerMilk - Classic" bars_thr = 0.7 bars_thr_color_t=0xFFFF0000 bars_thr_color_b=0xFFFF0000 bars_color_t=0xFFFFFF00 bars_color_b=0xFF00FF00 To get a smooth color transition, "set bars_color_t" and "bars_thr_color_b" parameters to equal. "PowerMilk - Classic soft" bars_thr = 0.4 bars_thr_color_t=0xBFFF0000 bars_thr_color_b=0xBFFFFF00 bars_color_t=0xBFFFFF00 bars_color_b=0xBF00FF00 d
  14. I have plans to make an open editor with the publication of personal visualizations, maybe someone can implement something like this
  15. Mobile processors do not fully support the x86 architecture syntax. Because of this, many visualizations do not work or work crookedly.
  16. Milkdrop can use a texture, but how to dynamically connect albumart to a shader is a big question. This is a question for @maxmp
  17. Сhange the color of the spectrum is possible, application for this will be released soon. Standart visualizations are also possible, I think about it.
  18. NATURE Poweramp VISUALIZATION was updated up to 11 cool viz. https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=nature.Poweramp.vis
  19. ICE Poweramp VISUALIZATION was updated up to 11 cool viz. https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=ice.Poweramp.vis
  20. Its mistake, sorry, please update app from https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=best.Poweramp.vis
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