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  1. Tried resetting audio output and EQ settings, no difference. There is something fundamentally suppressing the low end. Since this device doesn't support the standard headphone jack, I have no way to eliminate the Dragonfly, but it would be exceptionally odd that a DAC would be a step backward in output capability.
  2. No, as the issue is isolated to this output. Similar EQ settings and identical output settings are used for other connected devices and there is not an issue. If it is not likely that PA has anything to do with what I'm experiencing, I can accept that. But it isn't really plausible that resetting everything and the applying it all again manually would make a difference.
  3. I should have clarified the pre-amp gain was only applied shortly before that screen grab. It's generally not something I use, and was just playing around with different things to try and mitigate.
  4. Build 957 Device model: Samsung Galaxy S22 Ultra Android v13 My USB DAC is a very capable one, from what I understand. I believe it is also capable of serving to provide a bit of amplification as well. That said, I'm noticing a recent deterioration in low-end frequencies when I use it in PA. For context, I'm using the DAC to power the JVC HA-SZ2000 headphone. If you know anything about these, you know they're renown for bass reproduction without breaking a sweat and without any artificial assistance. They're simply highly-capable drivers. For the life of me, I cannot figure out why the low-end has drastically deteriorated. I don't pretend to understand all of the settings in the PA audio and EQ arenas, but I've historically cranked the low-end and ensured hi-res output was used where feasible without issues here. When I'm not using the DAC (say, connecting BT headphones) I can sense a tangible change in the low-end as I increase/decrease the Bass knob or the EQ levels. The DAC is fairly new, having had it for less than 6 months at this point, so I do not believe there is an issue there. It certainly wouldn't surprise me to learn OneUI or Samsung in general are playing a role here, but if there is something I'm missing or not considering I'd like to find out. It's killing me having a fraction of the low end come through on these headphones that I know they're capable of (including with this DAC). Steps to reproduce: Fire up the app, press Play App auto-recognizes the output device used in this case (AudioQuest Dragonfly Cobalt)
  5. Confirmed 920 build fixes the 919 crash at launch for me as well.
  6. @andrewilley I just had to post a bug report for 919 crashing at launch, but prior to the update I had done as @maxmp suggested and cleared AA cache. That seemed to properly rebuild the album art cache and display correctly in AA thereafter.
  7. App just updated this morning for me to v919. Device is a Galaxy Note 10+ on Android 11. I did allow it to send logs when prompted, at least twice, not sure if they were sent since my email app didn't open. Tried clearing app cache after a manual force-close + restarting my phone, the issue persists. I can't open it, so I can't use any of the in-app methods of collecting/sending log files but I did send a crash report.
  8. This prompted me to check the Media audio toggle for my car's BT device - which is disabled, yet I have this issue too and it's intermittent. What's more: Poweramp seems to arbitrarily decide that sometimes it's going to use one kind of output and other times another for audio; there's a noticeable difference in volume output between what it should be using (increasing/decreasing system volume has no affect on playback in the car) vs when it falls back on another output (directly affected by the system volume level).
  9. @maxmp would this solution apply for devices on Android 11 still? I've had the issue with wrong artwork displaying on my car's screen for over a year.
  10. This still happens to me. Worse still: of I try to resume through my car's infotainment screen, Poweramp "crashes" on it and says it can't load. But if I unlock my phone and press Play from Poweramp it immediately begins to play and feed playback info to Android Auto again.
  11. FWIW, the pausing happens to me, too. Regardless of settings in Poweramp; I can turn off "resume on xxxx" or enable, the result is the same. AA has introduced a lot of problems since its overhaul last year. My phone is a Samsung on Android 10, but this happened on Android 9 as well. It doesn't happen when my wife uses her phone, also a Sammy on 10, in her car. Which is newer than mine. Both on the same version of Poweramp.
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