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Sending Files Through Bluetooth...

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I think that it would be really handy if in Poweramp you had the ability to send files through bluetooth, like in the default media player (X10 Mini Pro), this could be done by adding it to the little menu that appears under a song when you long press on it.

It would be really appreciated if you take this into consideration.


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  • 2 months later...

On Android it goes by the name/protocol of "Share by"

From that you can 'send to' a file via Bluetooth to another Bluetooth device. Also other 'send to' options such as Gmail, Messaging etc.

I actually thought this already existed in Poweramp at least for the Folder lists and Library but I was mistakenly surprised when I didn't find it.

PlayerPro and other music player's have it. I hope this feature will arrive soon, hopeful for or just after v2.0 release. and actually called a "Send to" or "Share" feature in name.

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  • 4 months later...
  • 7 months later...

hello admin

Thanks for the request.

please uncude this feature in your future updates..

I'm also hardly missing this. Listening to music and sharing the current is not possible with Poweramp, I have to switch to another application and search that song to share it via Bluetooth/etc...

Thanks in advance.

that says the whole story

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