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While listening to music Poweramp has the tendency to pause for less than a second and then it resumes automatically. This small gap is really very annoying. Please fix this bug.

I use XOLO BLACK running HIVE UI.

PS: I also have Greenify installed. Can that be a problem?

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Most likely you have problems with the read speed from your memory - are you using a memory card or device memory? Does is happen when the screen is on, or only when it has gone to sleep?

Greenify is unlikely to be the problem, but you never can tell with odd issues like this one.


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You don't think what? If the problem is occurring while your device is awake, first try putting some of your songs onto device memory and see if it happens there too. If that's OK, copy everything off your SD Card, reformat it, and copy back and see if that helps. Also might be worth making sure you don't have too many file in any one folder (although that normally causes issues with delays in track changes, not within playback of one song).;


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