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folder structure issue

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I have 2 devices: Samsung Galaxy SII and a recently purchased OnePlus Two.

Samsung is running the full version 2.0.10-build-584-play

OnePlus is running the full version 2.0.10-build-585-play


The issue is that Poweramp shows only the lowest level folders in "Folders" view on OnePlus.

On Samsung it shows parent folders and full folder hierarchy like this: Music/Artist/Album/

On OnePlus it just shows the list of folders with media files.


What can I do to make it first show highest level folders than lower ones when I click it?


Hope I was able to describe this clear.

Thank you!

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Hi Andre,


Thank you for the response. The issue is that I can't seem to call out a menu within Folders VIew.

It's a known bug on the OnePlus Two phone that affects some (but not all) applications. Is there any

other way to access the List Options?


Thank you!

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I'm afraid you need to press the menu button from within the Folders View in order to see the List Options screen that relates to folders. If a menu icon is not visible, try force-enabling it in Settings > Look and Feel > Menus. Or long-press on one of the bottom Android feature buttons, as that sometimes forces a menu to pop up on devices without proper hardware buttons.


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