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Skipping with CyanogenMod's default pegasusq governor

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When I play MP3s or flacs on my GT-N7100 (Note II) while the screen is off, Poweramp briefly, but clearly audible, skips once in a while, maybe once a minute.

I tried all the tweaks (buffer, priority), but nothing changed.

Finally I switched the CPU governor in the Performance section of the Settings from the default pegasusq to ondemand, and now I have no more skips.

Not sure whether this can be fixed in Poweramp or not, but I guess lots of people are affected by it, since CM is popular and it's the default setting governor.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Thanks padde for your solution. I have the same problem with a GT-N7100. But my smartphone is not rooted. So I can't change the CPU governor. I think the solution would be improve the audio buffer to 1500ms or 2000ms.

Best regards,


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I have discovered a palliative solution to give all priority to Poweramp. When I run Poweramp, I turn off all the background processes and turn it on again as soon as possible when I quit this app.

Settings\More\Developer options\APPs\"No background processes"

It's not a definitive solution, but it solves the skips permanently.

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Poweramp default buffer size is 200-250ms (auto, it depends on format a bit), and this is a huge buffer, chosen mostly for low end devices (like 500mhz 1 core cpus, which are capable of no-interrupted audio for this huge buffer size). If Poweramp skips that can mean CPU is blocked more for those 200-250ms.


If you set buffer higher and it continues to skip, this, unfortunately, is not relation to Poweramp, but this is issue with Android AudioTrack API implementation/settings/tweaks of the ROM which is not capable to keep up.


We'll check though if some workaround is possible.



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