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OLD newbie to Poweramp with stupid questions

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My bike-buddy friend was extolling her opinions of Poweramp and suggested I try it, so I bought the 'unlocked' app from Google Play (and yes, arguably I shoulda just 'trialed' the app first, but it is what it is... and IMHO $8.00 ain't much)... But THEN she promptly left for Belgium for two weeks (!!), so no help from this instigator...🙁  So, I installed this on my Samsung A14 (android 14), and as I have done prior, copied the music I'd like to access to a "Music" folder on the 128GB SD I have in this phone, but while Poweramp 'sees' the music files, ALL of these initial 75 files I'm using as a test, 'fail to play'... 

So what the heck have I done wrong, here..?  ALL of these files are digitized tracks from CDs I own or a few digital music files I purchased from various sources (Itunes, Amazon Music, et al...).  Frustrating initial experience, but at my 'advanced age' I do not doubt the problem is actually the operator...

When I access the "Music Folders" in Settings I have chosen the "Music" folder on the SD card that I created and copied the files to, but also see a troubling note (greyed out) in an item labeled "File Access Legacy  Mode" noting that Google (in their inimitable fashion) "..removed File Access Legacy Mode support for Play editions of the app.."- which arguably indicates the issue I'm seeing, (right?).  So what did I do, get the WRONG 'edition' of Poweramp?  Sharon uses (what I believe to be) is apparently the same app on her Samsung Ultra but she also is "a few years younger than I" and most probably has a LOT more experience with the app (and/or android in general), but I would like to see if I can get this working.

Help please..?

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Well... it would appear so, insofar as I am able to observe the entire SD contents as well as this "Music" folder in the SD card via Windows File Manager.  There are several other folders on the SD which were (obviously) created by Android when I installed the SD card into the phone (IE: DCIM used by the integrated camera along with all the photos held there..).  From this you can surmise I'm using a Windows 10 PC and simply 'drag and dropped' the music files into this "Music" folder in the SD in the A14 using "File Manager" - which was how I had done this previously with another music playback app.  It was my presumption this is how this is accomplished.... or is there another method?  By that same token, I can playback these files directly in Windows using Media Player or VLC on my PC ...  
Potentially some form of 'rights' required to playback in Poweramp possibly..?

BTW: I guess I should mention that this version of Poweramp is "build-976-bundle-play" as it appears in "About" in the Poweramp app downloaded and installed just yesterday...  (???)

Edited by CentennialMan
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You will have had to grant access permission for that folder for PA to have been able to read the folder at all. But just in case that's the problem, try creating a new (non system) folder called something different - e.g. "My Music" - and copy your audio files into it. Then use PA Settings=>Library=>Music Folders to grant access to that new folder and see if it works. Personally I tend to avoid using system folders wherever possible in case Android does anything annoying with them, although "Music" should normally be fine.


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"System Folders"? Not certain this was a system folder insofar as it is located on the SD card not within the phone folders... But I did just create a new folder on the SD that I labeled "My Music" and copied those same files to this folder, and then I 'steered' PA to this folder, where it asked to allow access -which I granted.  BTW: the SD is labeled "android" in file Manager and the phone memory itself is labeled "Internal Storage" which was why I thought I should add the "Music" folder (arguably created by Android when the SD was installed) in the SD card in PA.  But even so, still unable to play anything from this new folder I just created.  Same message "Failed to play file" which then increments to the next file and the same error message appears. I know I'm new this stuff but it shouldn't be this difficult, right? 

Edited by CentennialMan
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Just as a test, I just added Samsung Music (that I had earlier deleted), but just now obtained from the Samsung Store.  And after allowing permissions to all music on the phone (both in the Internal Storage and the SD card) any file is possible to play..  So I am stymied as to why PA has an issue...  Perhaps I'll just ask for my $8 back if this is going to be this difficult..  altho I have no idea how I might do that.

Edited by CentennialMan
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