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(Re-)read album art (cover.jpg, folder.jpg not showing up)

Go to solution Solved by andrewilley,

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Hi there,


long time registered and satisfied PA user here (using build 976).

Somehow PA no longer recognizes album art like cover.jpg or folder jpg. I already reset album art settings to default, emptied the cache, did a full library rescan, but nothing changed. There is a lot of folders containing mp3 files with no embedded cover art, but a cover.jpg and/or folder.jpg file in the folder, but no album art is showing in PA. I can choose the file manually, but with 2.000+ folders this is no way to go.

To make it more difficult, this seems to apply only to some folders, there are other folders where I see the cover art. I think this started when I additionally downloaded missing cover art via the built in mechanism.

What can I do to persuade PA to use an existing  cover.jpg or folder.jpg file for album art? I am pretty sure this used to work. Any help appreciated!




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Sounds like the image file cache is not getting cleared properly, so previously downloaded/selected images are being used. Have a look in the app cache folder in a file explorer or via a USB connection to see if there's anything still in there.

Then run a FULL Rescan in Settings=>Library. If the full rescan is not doing enough, try unlinking your music location in the Music Folders menu (so nothing is present - zero songs, zero folders) and then enabling it again to force a completely new library build.


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Thanks for getting back to me!

I did check the app cache folder, and there are still images in there. But I wonder: can I use the cover.jpg/folder.jpg variant AND downloaded images at the same time? I have got cover art for most albums (i.e. folders), but not all. I was under the impression I could download the missing ones while using the existing local files where available.

Will try your suggestion (empty cache manually, de-/relink library) later.


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Yes, you can download new cover images for some albums, and any albums that do not have anything stored in the cache folder will still use folder.jpg etc.

Just delete any specifically named image files from the cache which are conflicting with your in-folder images, as per the cover display priority order here:



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That's the problem: there are no conflicting images. I only downloaded images for those folders, where there is no local file available. I think I understand the cover display priority order, but the problem are those folders where I never downloaded any cover art because the local files showed up. After I started downloading cover art for some folders without local files, I noticed that the most (but not all!) other folders (with cover.jpg and/or folder.jpg) didn't have cover art in PA any longer. As I wrote above, I can choose the files manually, but I don't want to do that for 2.000 folders ...



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Have you checked the cache folders as I suggested, in case something is downloaded there accidentally, or perhaps with a conflicting name? Clearing the folders completely would be safest, but of course anything you intended to apply will be removed too.


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I have cleared the folder manually (and subsequently the corresponding cover art vanished from PA), did a full rescan, but still the in-folder cover art doesn't show up. I didn't un-/relink the music library yet.

I am at a loss here ...


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I assume you have disabled the 'Prefer Downloaded Album Art' option? Although that shouldn't cause the default placeholder Poweramp logo to be shown when there's an in-folder image.

And you've checked that the image files are within the allowed spec for Poweramp to use them?


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Yes, the option is disabled. The images must meet the specs because a) they used to work before and b) I can choose them manually and then they show up.

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Success! Un- and relinking the "Music"-folder did the job.

Somehow the location had become invalid (it even said so in PA's settings), although the music still was playable and was found by doing just a full rescan. After I completely removed the folder and relinked it again, all the in-folder images show up again now, and I can additionally download missing album art as well.






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