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WavPack Album Artist field isn't seen

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I have a few 32 bit float WavPack songs and if I edit the Album Artist field in any any of these editors kid3, MusicBrainz Picard, and MusicBee; Powerapp isn't able to see/read the Album Artist field. The only editors I got the Album Artist field to be read by powerapp is Foobar2000 and the built in editor. note that powerapp can read any of the other field just Album Artist is having trouble when I use only the three editors that have the problem with Album Artist.

Does anyone else have this problem?

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Probably non-standard tag names. Wavpak used to only support ID3v1 or APEv2, so issue might be there too. Try MP3Tag or TagScanner, and if they don't work as expected upload a sample file for checking. Or perhaps consider converting to a more regular file format.


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Nevermind when I re tested MusicBrainz Picard by removing the Album Artist field  twice. Poweramp was  able to read the field. There is a bug with the displaying of fields  on picard . Well thanks anyway.

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