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Motorola Razr Grayed out next/Prev Track bottons


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Poweramp has 2 types of "prev/next" buttons. The << >> (track change) are the "usual" buttons which change tracks. These can't be grayed.

As for <<< >>> (list change) these can be grayed/disabled when there is no list to change, i.e. there is just one list in such category:

- when All Songs list played or Shuffle All mode enabled (all songs played, no way to change list to another "all songs")

- when Queue is played (there is one queue, not possible to change to other queues).

- when Recently Added/Top Rated/Most Played/Recently Played lists are played (there are one such list in their categories)

In all other cases, Poweramp allow list change with <<< >>>. In Poweramp list is a folder, an album, an artist, a genre, or an user created playlist.

Poweramp also supports up/down swipes in album art to change the lists - just try to drag album art/logo up/down.


PS Added this to FAQ.

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One more piece of info I just upgraded from a Droid x to the Razr and have been using your player for some time.

I don’t think that’s my problem when I swipe left or right it goes to the next album, swiping up or down does nothing. The player in its current state will only let me play whole albums and not skip tracks within the album?

I have cleared data, removed and reinstalled the app a few times even tried some of the beta builds but the problem persist.


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