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Artist and album title on separate lines

Go to solution Solved by andrewilley,

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I don't know if this is skin specific or not, but is it possible to have the artist name and album title on separate lines on the playing screen?

So in my screenshot, instead of Shed Seven - Reading 98, Shed Seven would be on one row and Reading 98 on the row below.


Edited by groaninjock
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No, this is not possible at present. There are only two lines of song information (plus the metadata info line at the bottom of the screen) and the format is currently fixed. It is not skinable, as the whole text string is generated by the core app and the same strings are used in the Player Screen and in the category list.

There are a number of Feature Requests for the actual content of these two lines to be configurable both globally and per Category (see my summary post) but there would probably still be only two lines.


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