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Claims SD card is unmounted


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First off, are you kidding me about the sign in? Not only was the password security ridiculous - I have passwords hundreds of sites including workplaces have never rejected. Still, after satisfying the requirements for this place and captcha etc. YOU DON'T HAVE AN ENTER BUTTON AT THE BOTTOM OF THE SCREEN TO PRESS? OR more likely the page wouldn't scroll to it if so. This is turning into 15 minutes of life I'm thinking I could have downloaded another music app by now.

Otherwise this App has been fine for years. I have a new Moto G Power which was working fine until I plugged in a USB cable to try and download some music from my PC. The USB cable has been in debug mode over the last day to download other data so I clicked yes if that makes a difference.

Now Poweramp claims my SD card is unmounted. It is not. Poweramp sees my library including album art. I looked at the FAQ and looked into Android 10 issue. Downloaded the File for Android as suggested. Went through it. I could not find any indications if the dialogue mentioned. The file pre-existed and seemed to be operational. Rebooted the phone. 

I uninstalled / reinstalled Poweramp to no avail. Nothing appears to be working. I saw nothing about this in the knowledge base. Any ideas before I go somewhere else altogether. Builds 875-882. Including Poweramp full unlocker.

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What do you see in Settings > Library > Music Folders? Has the SD Card name perhaps changed when you we accessing in from your PC? PA does not care about USB connection modes for reading the SD Card, however Android updates (especially to 11 whenever that mess hits your device) can sometimes cause issues. As you still using Legacy File Access Mode (in Settings > Misc)?

As for forum registration and login, that is all down to the company that runs the software, Invision. A lot of people have registered though, so I'm not sure why it fought you especially. By the bay, when logging subsequently in you should use your username rather than email address, it usually works better.


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The SD card is simply referred to as SD card which I think was the same on the other device. Although I do have a new SD card installed which may be the problem? I copied everything over from my previous card so it should be a direct duplicate. Right? Maybe not? All other files accessed from there for other programs seem to work fine.

Yes, the Legacy File Access option was engaged but turning it off and rebooting the phone doesn't help. The message it gives us storage unmounted. Then I enabled only the SD card, went in ams selected only music under the available folders and I still get the error.

I was going to try and experiment with engaging the internal memory instead to see if that plays, which also has some music on it,  but  trying to x out that brings up a warning that to Ok it will Remove Storage / Providers Plug which is suppose I don't want to do. So I'm still getting this Failed To Play sunmounted storage message. 

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Whenever you insert a new SD Card (or even reformat an existing one) recent versions of Android assign it a completely new identifier (e.g. D543-H6G2) which will break access to any file links that are looking for the old directory path, as that path technically no longer exists. Thanks Google. :(

Just make sure that whatever your device is currently calling its SD Card, it is enabled in the Music Folders list, and then do a Full Rescan to remove any old non-working entries and rebuild the library with the new paths instead. Try turning Legacy mode off before you do the scan though, as that mode is meant to be completely depreciated in Android 11 so if you can work without it now, all the better.


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Hi Andre,

I think it's Full Rescan for the win. Following manufacturer troubleshooting instructions I put the SD card back on my computer. I noticed it was named SD-MMC. Once I did the full rescan (I was hesitant due to the warning accompanying that selection) I went back to the SD Card and the SD-MMC was now present. A few clicks later and I'm grooving. Thanks for the prompt responses.

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