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Sound issue with Samsung S10 & build 859


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I've been using Poweramp (with unlocker) for years and loved it. Last week I got a Samsung S10, and installed all the latest Android 10 updates. Two big issues:

  • The sound from Poweramp would frequently get very quiet for a few seconds, then return to normal. This happened with most (maybe all) songs.
  • When I listened to audiobooks using the Voice app, if I used the headphone button to pause/play, pause would stop the audiobook in Voice and play would start up Poweramp.

I reset options to default, uninstalled/reinstalled, but nothing fixed the issues. I had decided to stop using Poweramp and look for an alternative.

Just to test, I manually installed the build 853 apk today - both of these problems no long occur.

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Please do:
Settings / Audio / Output / Restore defaults 
Settings / Audio / Direct Volume Control (DVC) / Restore defaults 

The pausing/resuming in response to other apps playing is controlled via Settings / Audio / Audio Focus.

There were no any changes in audio system vs 853 (but there are tweaks for various devices and options). Downgrade resulted in defaults for you it seems.

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