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2 Searching tweaks


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  1. I'd like it if when you start typing from one of the library views, it starts searching in that view. So if I go to All Songs and start typing, it lists songs that match (and nothing else). Right now, you need to press the search key, then tweak the list to only show songs.
  2. Searches feel a little cluttered to me, because I almost always search by song title, then sometimes by artist. From the search view, there's a "list options" where I can disable everything but song title if I want. A better option (in my opinion) would be to reorder the options, so song titles show up first and then artist and then everything else. That way I don't have to either type more than necessary, or scroll down past any artists that might show up (given I have 700+ artists, it's likely that there'll be an artist hit when I'm trying to search by title)

Thanks! Otherwise, 2.0 is looking pretty good!

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1. PowerAMP 1.x typing in the list is implemented via Filter field on the top of the lists. In PowerAMP v1.x filtering was somewhat hidden. v2.0 list filter is visible immediately and doesn't require "secret knowledge" :) anymore

2. Thanks for the request!

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