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Bass Issues with or without Equalizer

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I'm currently in the process of trying out the trial period of the Poweramp music player. I'm definitely leaning towards purchasing the full product, but there is one problem that I have yet to be able to work out. No matter what I try, even when I disable the equalizer completely, Poweramp seems to amplify the bass in every song that I own.

I think it took around 30 mins total to tweak the equalizer and volume settings to play TRON: Legacy through my BT headset to where it wasn't uber-bassed or resulting in distorting the music tracks some. But I am having one of the worst times trying to figure out what I can get to work when it is plugged into my car stereo. I have set the car stereo Bass, MID, and Treble to -- (presuming that means 0) and I could barely listen to the album Awake by Skillet. My favorite song, Hero actually started to hurt my ears with the bass.

This really makes a problem because the whole app seems to be set towards bass, so I either end up with more bass than volume or no bass and little volume. Is there anything I can do to fix this or am I completely stuck?

I am running this on a Motorola ATRIX 4G.

Also, sorry if this is in the wrong topic, I didn't really think it fell into the Bug category, so I posted it here. Sorry if that is not the case.

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  • 6 months later...

Apparently, having both the EQ and Tone turned on at the same time will cause problems with PowerAmps processing. I just disabled Tone and my issue is now gone. Using the song that sounded the worst, I tested the sound against the stock HTC music player and they both sound the same now. Did you resolve your issues? If there was something else you did to make your music sound better please share. More about my issue below...

I had an HTC Incredible for 2 years and loved Poweramp. Never had any issues. I bought the full version and never looked back. I upgraded to an HTC Rezound the other day and installed Poweramp. The sound was horrible. What was happening was that there was very little bass, but only some low frequencies seemed to be passing through. Unfortunatelty, this was causing clipping with my speakers, but still with low bass. Also, the sound seemed like it was fluctuating louder and softer very rapidly and tryin to correct itself. This was really apparent in portions of songs that had heavy bass and treble signals simultaneouly (I was listening to the intro to Metallica's 'Hit The Lights' when this effect was at its worst). I changed everything in the EQ to Flat and still had the same problem. The Limiter was always enabled, but surprisingly, turning it off didn't affect the sound in any way.

When I started doing research on this I found someone mentioning that EQ and Tone don't play well together. This may only be on the newer Sense devices that disable Direct Volume Control. Flattening the EQ sounded really bland, so I needed to keep that on. After turning off the Tone I noticed a big improvement in the sound. I now have Beats enabled, the Limiter is on, EQ is set to Rock, and I'm not using the Tone setting at all. I disabled that in the settings so it doesn't even appear over my album cover art and widget. I hope this helps you.

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