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Headset Control

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Poweramp is great player, I used daily.

Thank you for a great work.

However there are couple features I miss badly in Poweramp:

1. Customizable Headset control:

Using headset with a signle button currently I can use either long either double/triple clicks.

Having an option to use and customize all of these controls (long /double/triple) at the same time would be great. Possibility to customize long/double click delay would help as well.

2. Longpress Volume control shortcuts:

Possibility to assign "Next track" on "Long press Volume up" and "Previous track" on "Long press Volume down" would also be very helpfull.

Is it possible to imlpement those features?

Thank you,


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  • 6 months later...

I have already replied to another thread about the same issue, but this one has a better title.

This is one of the two big missing features on Poweramp.

It sucks to have to install an app like Headset Droid when Poweramp is the only app I want to control with the mic button.

The settings I use:

- click: pause/play (this one is already supported)

- long click: rewind

- click + long click: fast forward

- click + click + long press: reset volume to 30% and increase the volume until the key is released

- click + click: next track

- click + click + click: previous track

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