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MIUI keep end task my Poweramp

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Hi guys,


I don't really sure this a bug. Ok here how replicate the glitch.


Play a music with Poweramp, then navigate with Google Maps, once you off the screen/screen lock, about few minutes ahead the Poweramp will stop.


This happens on Redmi Note with MIUI 8.1, 8.2 and 8.5. But this not happen with my other phone (eg. Sony Xperia SP and M4 Aqua)


I already allow Poweramp to autostart, and run in background. No result.


Any advice? Thank you.

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I don't know MIUI, but I'm guessing it's being too aggressive with power management. Make sure your have the Wakelock and Keep Service options enabled in Poweramp, and then check what power saving options MIUI has to allow it to ignore certain apps for power saving purposes.


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