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About sound focus problem

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I'm a pro Poweramp user. When I'm playing my music with headphones, anytime I get a text or any sort of notification, the music cuts out my headphones, then comes through my phone speaker for about 1 second before playing the notification sound (also through the phone speaker). When the notification sound stops, the sound goes on playing from the headphones again.
This is really too bad when I'm listening to music in a public or a quiet place.
I know there is a configuration for this and i tried all combinations for that, and no success.(Settings Audio FOcus..) but it doesnt work.
I'm using Samsung Galaxy S4, rooted stock rom with Android 4.4.2 and I dont use any power saving app, or apps like CleanMaster etc.
Can you help about this? And is this a known issue? Will you fix this?
Thanks in advance.
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I've noticed the same occasionally on my Galaxy Note 3 (with the same release of Android) so it might be Samsung related as they force Notifications to come via the speaker even when you've got a headset plugged in. I'm going to have to bite the bullet soon and upgrade to Android 5.x as the upcoming new release of Poweramp v3 won't work on anything lower than Lollipop, so I wonder if that will correct the problem?


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Well i dont think its Samsung related, because it doesnt happen with any other players. I tried this with v3 but unfortunately the same, no success. It seems a simple bug but of course i dont have any idea what makes that cause.

For now, i'm taking the phone on vibrate or silent mode. Its my temporary solution, but its really annoying bug.

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