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Licensing Issue

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So I sent an email to support and got an automated message telling me to do everything I already did.

It's the "ERROR_CONTACTING_SERVER" error. The phone is connected almost 20 hours per day, when the app is opened offline, I get this error.

As said, I already did everything on the support page regarding this error.

Android 6.0, everything updated.

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Well they can't read? I said in the email that I tried everything in the FAQs. (email address was correct)

Also they need more info other than model and Android version? I said the ROM wasn't modified.

This is obviously a DRM issue. There's a lot of other users having related problems.


Sent an email with the ROM info screenshots attached.

Got the same automated message. Will they ever read?

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One thought (a bit of a stab in the dark I'm afraid) but you aren't trying to run the app from the SD Card are you, as that doesn't usually work very well? Is this a Google Play purchase or a website one? And you said a stock ROM, not rooted?


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Have you re-sent a followup email asking why you have not received a reply yet? It can often take several days to a week for a response I'm afraid (I don't have access to that email account, or the licensing system, so sadly I can't expedite it for you)


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Yeah, I tried a third time, without the error message on the body of the email. This time I haven't received the automated message and finally got a reply from someone.

Apparently they can't read.
They asked me to uninstall the Google Play version (and unlocker) and install the latest build from the site. Then I asked which version, stable or v3 alpha. The reply was a Copy/Paste from the support page about the ERROR_CONTACTING_SERVER message. I told them 3 times that I've already done everything on this page...


Ok, this must be a joke. A very bad one.
Now after another reply, he simply linked me this page http://support.powerampapp.com/knowledgebase/articles/323557-is-internet-connection-required

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Sorry about this, please try again with a short email saying that you have tried everything in the FAQs etc and re-quoting the same material isn't helping. As your device is running an unrooted stock ROM, this really shouldn't be happening. Perhaps Alex might be able to issue you with a non-Google (i.e .website purchase) activation code instead? 


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