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  1. Apologies if this is me being stupid or not seeing something obvious - is it possible to adjust the colour of the text on the miniplayer to match the icons (so in the screenshot attached, turning the track name, artist and album name from white to orange to match the play button)? And is it possible to put a background on the the seekbar below that box, and on the two sets of icons below that, so that I can have the same sky blue for all four of those sections?
  2. I don't know if this is skin specific or not, but is it possible to have the artist name and album title on separate lines on the playing screen? So in my screenshot, instead of Shed Seven - Reading 98, Shed Seven would be on one row and Reading 98 on the row below.
  3. What is the best combination of settings to ensure gapless playback of albums where the tracks should (and do on CD) playback without any pause/silence/click between them? I currently have mine set to: Auto-advance fading: No fading Manual track change fading: Short Crossfade Preload gapless tracks: none Silence between tracks: 0ms Crossfade length: 5000ms Short manual crossfade length: 400ms But listening to Abbey Road, where the second half of the album is a gapless medley, there was a noticeable split-second click or pause between the tracks.
  4. Thanks for checking, I'll try that. Weirdly, for some artists it is showing album art - looks like it might be artists that aren't normally recognised.
  5. Google images search seems to be working fine, see screenshot
  6. "No Results" shows for all albums, even those with embedded artwork. No change with Mobile User Agent switched on.
  7. All of the tracks currently on the device have embedded album artwork, which is displaying correctly. But searching for replacement album artwork (which I tried to do just to see if it encountered the same problem as artist images) shows no results.
  8. Album art and other tag data that is embedded in the files is showing correctly. But if I go to the screens to search for album art or artist images, there are no results. Screenshots attached. No problems with wifi connectivity, everything is working as it should, aside from searching for images.
  9. I've just started using Poweramp on a new (to me) Fiio M11 DAP. I've previously used Poweramp on a Samsung Galaxy S22 phone, where searching for album artwork and artist images worked well. But so far, the Fiio isn't finding anything for any of my content. I'm not sure if this is likely to be because of where the Fiio stores its database information - Poweramp is installed on device storage, music on an SD card - or a tagging error; some combination of the two; or something else.
  10. Thanks, that's the quick solution I was looking for. I'd got as far as adding to the queue, but figured there must be a quicker way to achieve what I wanted.
  11. Is it possible to select two (or more) playlists at the same time and have them shuffle together? So that Poweramp is picking randomly from across all the selected playlists? When I check multiple playlists in the Playlists screen, the play and shuffle buttons are greyed out. Am I missing something obvious or doing something wrong?
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