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  1. just to resurrect this thread.. with the beta, I've starting playing around with the EQ etc settings and I'm finding that the stereo expand imho suits orchestral, soundtrack type music, like Hans Zimmer (Interstellar STAY black hole scene is playing on my on-ears as I tap! glorious). just really appreciating PA right now as an aural lifeline in my noisy household!! I might buy it again! 🤔
  2. Beta working great on ONEPLUS A6003_22_211125. UX feature idea: choice to replace Timer button with Chromecast button. Thanks for a fantastic product!
  3. OK, I was having this issue when casting to a new Nest Audio. Then I remembered I was using AdAway's non-root VPN ad-blocking solution.. so I turned off AdAway's VPN, restarted PA (cleared all open apps) and lo... it works fine. Hopefully that may help someone. Android 11, PA Build 945
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