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Peter Cuevas

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Poweramp Equalizer Knowledge Base

База знаний Poweramp Equalizer




Posts posted by Peter Cuevas

  1. 4 hours ago, andrewilley said:

    What language are you trying to add translations for? If it is not already present in the list, it will need to be added before you and continue.

    You have set up a user account on the Crowdin site haven't you, and then joined the editing team for that language?


    Spanish and I use a lot Crowdin. I already send the request



  2. 2 hours ago, andrewilley said:

    Thanks for the tutorial, but just to make other users aware: Poweramp does not support synced lyrics or separate .LRC sidecar files, such as for karaoke-style use. It only displays plain text lyrics from embedded tags, or searches the internet for matching lyrics.

    There is a separate third-party plug-in which does support synced .LRC files though, although I'm not sure how actively it is being developed:


    Thanks, Andre. I know that Poweramp for now don't support lrc, but I'm preparing for the future 

    And yep, thanks, I already know about the plugin, I used it about 4-6 months (maybe more) ago, but badly the plugin was stopped to develop 

  3. :)

    Use foobar2000: https://www.foobar2000.org/
    Download this plugin: https://www.foobar2000.org/components/view/foo_uie_lyrics3
    Too download this plugin: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1IJ509Gy0XPLitF5oStNmcVdCN2JlUUSZ/view 

    Application, lyrics search and more sources to search.


    2. You have two options, save the .lrc (synced) or .txt (unsynced) on the tag the file or save on the same folder that the MP3 (I prefer this)


    3. Ctrl+A, rigth click, "Download lyrics"


    4. Click on "Search"


    (I have already all .lrc downloaded)

  4. 7 hours ago, Headphone Sound Demo said:

    @Peter Cuevas H If you mean the ZSX, it is not available in RTINGS. Any similar IEM you want added or you're ok with the KZ ZS10?

    Edit: I tried to search ZAX as well, and it's not available as well, I checked the votes and ZSN Pro X (an alternative) appears higher on the list.

    Yes, ZAX are different to ZSX 


    ZAX, ED16, ZAX and other are in Crinacle page

    See here: https://github.com/jaakkopasanen/AutoEq/tree/master/results

  5. 4 hours ago, andrewilley said:

    Generally beta releases get issued here first for first reactions, then shortly afterwards on the Play beta channel. Once the initial bug identification and fixing process has been completed, a build will be issued as a stable Play download for everyone.


    I think he is taking about the beta tester. For testers only are avaliable the 912, we now are on 914

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