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Peter Cuevas

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Posts posted by Peter Cuevas

  1. @andrewilley I think you didn't understand me. I'm not talking about making a separate category in the bookstore. I mean that just as there is an option for artists, another for excluded artists and another for composers, what I say is to add one that is to make "advanced" separations, with several words, maybe special syntax, space or some symbol, I do not know... 

  2. @maxmp I think this it's the best option. If the user is advanced, they could better organize their library. For example, I just need to add some details like the "x", but prevent artists from starting with "x" in their names, some patterns that have more than 2 words could also be added with quotation marks, as well as java/python ("")

    I would be very happy with this functionality. Although it is something "silly" it helps a lot when it comes to finding all the songs of an artist, even if he is not the lead singer

    Thanks @andrewilley @maxmp

  3. I've been pretty lost. Although I think what I'm going to do is check my music library on pc. Although what I do is download the tags directly from MusicBrainz, then that's where the tags come from. And yes, some artists are separated with "x", but my problem is that having artists like "Alex", "xxxtentation", or any artists with an "x" in their name, you are also going to separate and put together a horrible mess. 

    Thanks for all. Maybe @maxmp can add the option to add one form to put " x ", " a dúo con ", "; ". Basically space before or after

  4. @andrewilley thanks 

    Yes, I understand. As I already said, I have added some separators, but I make the request, because in that specific case, it is necessary to add more than one word. Maybe you can make the modification so that I only eliminate the spaces of the beginning and the end and not the spaces in between, I do not know if I make myself understand "more than one word" and " more than one word ", like you say. I use ";" and no " ; "

  5. This is not a bug, maybe a problem 

    I have problems with add more that one work on the settings to divide artist 


    I need add "a dúo con", because some songs have this on the artists field 



    I use this "items", but I need more:


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