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Last << Play/Pause >> Next on Notification Screen


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Is this possible, like the stock player has?

If I'm on any other app and want to switch the song, I have to pull down the notification curtain, click on Poweramp, hit next (or play/pause whatever), then go back to the other app. It would be nice to access these functions in the pull down notification screen like the native player does.

Thanks, guys. Really great work on this app.

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Thanks for the request.

While this is partially possible (not reliable though), the Notification drawer will close on every button press by the system. The API for extended UI (which is used by e.g. stock Samsung players) is not available to end developers for some reason. Google here is similar to M$ locking some low level OS features only for their software.

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Even if you can only make one push before the drawer closes this would be very useful. Most common case would be track skipping which usually should only be forwards. If you can only have one press, the back button should actually function as a "previous track" button instead of a 1-press for restart current song/2-press prev song button. This would be great for those of us not using the widgets.

If it's possible to keep power amp in the notification drawer after hitting pause and having a play button there for the next pull of the drawer then I would really like to see this feature added.


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