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Track Order sorting for Folders


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I use "Folders" to play my FLAC music, but I currently have all my tracks named without their Track Numbers - this information is all in the Tag of the track. But currently there is no way to sort by Track number and as such my sort order is out of sync when playing by folder.


I then tried to use the "Library" but that particular album did not appear - anyway to refresh the library? The re-scan folders doesn't seem to have an effect for my library and FLAC files :?

Thanks in advance and keep up the great product.

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Folders is purely Folder/File based, it doesn't process tags the way standard Library does. It can sort only based on file attributes (file number, file name, mod time).

The Library view shows standard Android os media library. Non-standard file formats are supported in Folders only. This may change with the addition of custom Library in PowerAMP 2.0.

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