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EQ numeric adjusters!


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This is exactly the best!!! player i've ever seen on any platform! I was loving the stock player of HTC very much but Poweramp made me forget it.

But there is a really big thing missing for me though:

im very sensitive about EQ settings and i need to adjust EQ very precise!

so would it be possible to add numeric adjuster as HTC's stock player please?!!!


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  • 1 month later...

Sorry for the late reply,didnt check frequently.

I meant HTC's own player which comes as defaul with device.

I was using Touch HD then HD2 and now Desire HD. All of 3 devices have great sound performance and it's getting better at every device upgrade:)

But as i said after use your app,i became addicted:) im a pro musician and sound is everything for me!

If you could add numeric adjuster to eq, Poweramp gonna be beyond amazing!

Im advicing your player everywhere by the way:)


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  • 1 month later...


we had a discussion with a guy at xda, he said Desire HD is not a good music player and i wrote:

Man,sound quality and music never can be stupid discussion. As i said we are kinda spamming thread but i think some of the guys would like to learn and hear about what im gonna say.

For me, sound quality is the first in my preferences list while choosing a smartphone or pda or whatever call Tts fatal!

I have Beyerdynamic DT150, DT 990 Sennheiser HD595

and UE Triple.Fi 10.

I had Touch HD, HD2 and finally Desire HD.

Sound quality increased every upgrade for stock player and i was a real stock player lover! I compared all of them before i sold previous. You can understand Desire HD's sound quality even from its hiss level.

And i compared Desire HD(of course with my UE) with Iphone3, Iphone4, Ipod Touch and Galaxy S stock players. Desire HD kicks all of them ass!!!

Now for a few months im using Poweramp which is superb and i cant describe my pleasure everyday while listening my UE with Desire HD coming and going to work.


and got a reply from other user:

always want to try Poweramp, but as soon as i play a song, i notice lower volume than on the stock player, or others like winamp or the new songbird.

Do i need to play with the EQ or something ? i recognice its a great app with lots of options, but its "worse" than other playes "out of the box and with no tuning", i think :P

my reply:)


i met with Poweramp in my HD2/android days, cause HD2's stock player's EQ didnt work with ported rom i was using. Im kinda stubborn and loyal on every subject and it was very hard to switch my player but due to exigence (i cant listen w/o EQ noway) i started to use Poweramp and booom)

Now i cant go with anything but PA)

i had a chance to compare side to side stock player of Desire HD and PA and Desire Hd's player is really good! but PA better Especially about mid and high frequencies.

Of course you should tweak the EQ as your tastes but keep in mind, it would give much better and distortion free sound if you lower the preamp like beneath %50.

About sound level, i dont have any complaint cause my phones is in-ear and reduces the outside noise at least 20 decibels. but as i can remember, i didnt notice any sound level difference while comparing with stock player.

Strongly recommended!!!


just wanted to share:)

by the way, gapless feature is great at newest update! just waiting numeric adjuster:)


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