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Hi. I'm using Poweramp on a trial. I would like to buy because of the better sound via the equalizer.

I'm having a problem finding my playlists, though.

For the last two months, I've been importing my iTunes created playlists into my phone via Doubletwist's desktop app.

I can't find these playlists in Poweramp. Am I not looking in the right place, or are they not accessible from Poweramp? If they aren't there, how can I import my iTunes playlists into my phone so that Poweramp can see them?


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PowerAMP shows Android Library playlists in Library => Playlists (not in Folder playlists). If you don't see any playlists there, that means no playlists was imported (by system scanner) into library for some reason (e.g. not supported playlist format - this varies by phone model).


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OK, I got it. Honestly, you guys need to make your interface more intuitive. It took a couple of trips to the forum and about 15 minutes of work just to find my playlists and figure out how to get them to shuffle.

Shuffling a playlist has to be one of the most common uses of software like this. This function should immediately obvious in the first menus that pop up.

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Thanks for the concern. By default PowerAMP is tuned for folders (default navigation to folders), but still when you started using library/playlists, PowerAMP will navigate to these lists via press/long press on PowerAMP's mini-display with title/album/artist info (this is the main navigation button for PowerAMP).

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