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PA keeps trying to verify purchase

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Version 2.0.9-build-558-play (Full Version)

Full Version Unlocker version 2-build-26

Nexus 7 2013

Android 4.4.4

standard ROM


Every so often--once every few days? Power amp will not work "cannot verify license" or something like that. With wifi available, it seems to fix itself. If it is not available, PA is not usable. This is a major issue.


If I cannot count on the app being available when I want to use it, I will be forced to use some other player. I've tried several other players and like PA the best by a good margin, except for this problem.


I tried using CatLog to send the details, but after installing CatLog, PA had cleared up the license problem and worked again. I cannot reproduce this issue at will.


Please help,



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