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Play all songs matching result of external search (Google NOW)

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Right now, when doing a music search with Google Now and sending the results to Poweramp, Poweramp will play the found songs from the "All Music" list instead of from a list of search results.


That is to say, if I search for an artist outside Poweramp, Poweramp will automatically play one song by that artist (good), but then play whatever song comes next in the library alphabetically, regardless of whether it also matches the search (bad). If the search is done within Poweramp, then it behaves properly by creating a new list containing only songs that match the search. This same behavior should apply to Google Now searches as well, except that the list should start playing automatically.



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Absolutely this is a MUST! I have been requesting this through the bug tracker, why? Because Google Now integration already works, however It does not work well as It should. When you look for an artist or album it ONLY does plays the FIRST song matching the search criteria, but no matter what, the next song played will be a random one.


This needs to get fixed ASAP, is an asspain for those that we use the phone as a car dock to play our music through the car bluetooth.

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.... use the phone as a car dock to play our music through the car bluetooth.


Yes, this is what I need it for as well. The in-app search works very well, but I can't be messing with typing searches into Poweramp while I'm driving. Google NOW provides a single voice interface that I would like to be able to use to control all of my frequently used apps.


Alternatively, if I were to write my own voice interface, I would hope that Poweramp would respond to an intent sent by the other app in the way specified.

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