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Directly editing playlists


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Hi team,

Just got this app earlier, and seems to be exactly what I'm looking for (in order to get rid of my ipod)

I was just wondering if theres a way to drag things directly into my Poweramp playlists from my PC?

At the moment I'm dragging my mp3s directly into my music folder into SD then having to go to Poweramp and search out each song 1 by 1 then add them into my playlists

Is there any way to shortcut this?


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Actually, Folders is something that contradicts library + playlist system, still it's in PowerAMP. Usually if user uses folders it means it have them organized more or less as wanted in folders structure. Some (including myself) think that organizing the folder structure is simple and easier than messing with playlist.

Nevertheless, folder playlists are there and support for drag-and-drop reordering is also planned for playlists. Editing the playlists this way is very specific, narrow use case - I don't know a men how can listen to the same songs sequence multiple times. This is why various shuffle options are a priority in PowerAMP, but not the playlist editing (I personally have 32gb sd card all filed with the music - can't imagine myself drag and dropping one by one thousands of songs). Though, sometimes it's needed (for example, to prepare play list for a party or something) that's why it's planned.

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Thanks for the help.

I've made a few folder playlists on Poweramp. Are these physical folders / playlist file that I can access on the PC?

eg. I've made a Folder Playlist named Remix, but there isn't a Remix folder on my SD card. I thought it made one so I can drag directly into that folder (and directly into the playlist)

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