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Version for Blackberry... Pleaseeeeeee....:)


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HI there..

Recently I got Blackberry business phone in my company. Today I've tried play some music on this phone and it was terrible...SHIT SHIT SHIT...:( first thing ,I have to check bb app world for Power amp, but there was not such app.. :( what is more in BB app world there are no any good quality player at all. I am realy dissapointed and I can't imagine how such phone like BLACKBERRY 9900 for about 400 pound can be such shity if depend on playing music, and how is possible that in BB app world there no even one similar to Power AMP app... PLEASE DO SOMETHING BB users will really thankful for Power AMP on their devices..

My private phone is Galaxy S II equpped with Android ICS 4.0.4 and I listen to music only by Power AMP, Power AMP in my opinion is the best player...

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  • 2 weeks later...

it doesn't work on BB, maybe I'm stupid but I checked it... HEY people make some noise in that case...!!!

Have you found this out yet? if not, that's sad. At this point I'm not sure Poweramp will ever make it to the Blackberry since we have to support iOS and Windows first. Sorry for the disappointment

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  • 3 weeks later...
  • 4 months later...


I just got a playbook and the system is awesome. Far better from any Android I saw. Multitask, usable default app, fast, etc...

Unfortunatly, the default music player does the strict minimum.

I love Poweramp on my Android phone, I would really like to see it on the PlayBook. BlackBerry recently annouced the "BlackBerry 10 OS". If Poweramp is ported on this OS then it would probably be working on both BB phone and tablets.

And you would have lots of registration: non concurrence!

Do it!

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