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Hello Guys,

is it possible to get Poweramp for debugging, so resign it?

If I try to get Poweramp into "debuggin mode"/resigned, I get the following message: "Sorry, can´t load modified APK. Please try to install Poweramp from market"

I have to develop GUI-Tests for Poweramp and other MusicApps for University, but therefore i need to resign Poweramp with the debug-signature. thats why I need it.

Is the error-message just a problem with my mobile-phone or is it Poweramp? With Winamp & RealPlayer I was able to resign them and succeeded in creating GUI-Tests.

Thx in advance!

Good Day.

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Hey again!

I already tried everything that came to my mind now.

At least I also succeeded in signing Doubletwist with the debugging-signature. I hope you can help me :)

I wanna test Poweramp for my studies. :)

Thx in advance again.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Did nobody encountered this problem yet, or does nobody wants to debug this app? Whats going on :/

Again the request: Does anybody know how i can sign Poweramp into debug-mode? I need it for my complex internship to study the different power-consumption of different music-apps at university and it would be great to receive help from you to study Poweramp. Actually power-amp was the music app, which I would have tested the most.

Thx in advance the last time.


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