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Genre sorting issue


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I have been very happy with Poweramp but I have one little request.

Can you please change Genre sorting to Genre/Artist/Album/Song (like in PlayerPro or an iPod) instead of the current way (Genre/Album/Song). Right now it is a bit impractical.

I asked you about this in an email in June 2011 and you said that you would include it in Poweramp 2.0, but it's still the same.

Please look into this.


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  • 6 months later...
  • 5 months later...

add me to this list... this would make this the PERFECT android music player. As the original user poster stated, it is usless as stands.

PLEASE consider this. At least make it an option, if others like it the current way.

crap! i just realized this thread is almost a year old.... i guess they are not listening.

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Can you please change Genre sorting to Genre/Artist/Album/Song (like in PlayerPro or an iPod) instead of the current way (Genre/Album/Song). Right now it is a bit impractical.

How do you do this in playerpro? I just checked it out, since this request is so old. This is somehting i really want on my andorid. One of the few things i miss from ipod touch.

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